Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (December 28th, 2008)

From Kurt Tezel, San Dan
Shihan, Ueshiro Merritt Island Karate, FL

The Punch

Oscar De La Hoya is a boxing legend, having fought at a world class level for many years.
Recently I was perusing a Time magazine when I came across an article in which De La Hoya
gives a “Free Boxing Lesson”. The first lesson is The Punch. Here is an excerpt:

1) Smooth Start- Keep your fist loose as you begin to swing... tension just slows you down and tires you out

2) Tight Squeeze- When you are halfway to the target, clench to prep for landing

3) Power Boost- Just before impact, twist your fist for maximum force.

Sound familiar? There are many similarities between our karate punches and the boxing punch.
I suspect my students tire of my urging them to “turn the fist at the end” or relax between punches
and not to “muscle the punch”. It’s good to have someone with Oscar De La Hoya’s resume give these corrections as well.
Kurt Tezel, San Dan
Shihan, Ueshiro Merritt Island Karate, FL
