December 20th, 2015
Lorenzo Aguon (Go-dan)
Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Club
Under the direction of Hanshi Robert Scaglione
Definition - Red Book (pg 61)
Spirit continuing force or spirit. Killing technique. Has
nothing to do with shout or noise or sound.
In Japanese Ki=Energy and Ai=emphasis, to join
This "Kiai" is often associated with a yell in
most martial arts. However, when we train, that yell is
really a companion to the release of our "Stored energy",
our "killing technique", our "fighting spirit".
In every kata we train, their is a time we release a yell
on a particular technique which most deshi believe is the
"Kiai move". So are those the only moves in our
kata that are "Kiai"? NO. That is why we often
hear our sensei say "Every move is Kiai!"
There is so much involved in "Kiai". Its a strong
display of our fighting spirit. Good kiai needs to start
from the hara. There is no wrong time to use Kiai. Practice
"Kiai" and you will feel your training and fighting
spirit rise to another level.
Domo Arigato,
Sensei Lorenzo Aguon (Go-dan)
Ueshirp Hawaii Karate Club