Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (November 21st, 2005)

From Keith Eng Ni Dan
Wilton Connecticut Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club


Hanshi, Kyoshi, Shihan, Sensei and Deshi, Onegai-shimasu!

Get rooted and stay rooted. Once we are in dachi (stance), that stance must be maintained until it is time for transition to the next dachi. Some of the common mistakes are: to move once 'locked' into the stance, usually rising due to fatigue (kiba-dachi; neko-ashi-dachi); and bobbing due to a change in hand or upper body positioning (kosa-dachi, zenkutsu-dachi). Another common mistake is for the rear heal to lift during a punch (zuki), especially in zenkutsu-dachi. Get rooted and stay rooted, unmoving, until it is time to transition to the next stance. Once it is time to move: remember the corkscrew hips (with the deepest respect to Sensei Kaplan's TFTW of 11/10).
Keith Eng
Ni Dan
Wilton Connecticut Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club
