Kyoshi's Technique of the Week

September 11th , 2016

This week's thought is from Sensei Lorenzo Aguon, Shihan, Go-dan

Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo


Page 51 Red Book (Shorin Ryu: Okinawan Karate Question and Answer Book)

We wear it every practice. It rests over our hearts. Take a quick look at it and understand the significance and importance this patch represents.
It is our Foundation. It represents everything we do. It is part of our lifestyle.

Take the time to ask other deshi this week...Do you know what this symbol represents? Do you know the meaning of these Kanji Characters?

I'm always amazed at how many other martial art practitioners don't even know the meaning of the patch on their Gis. Lets always be reminded of our roots!

Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo
