August 3rd, 2014
From Emiliano Mazlen Yon-dan Shihan,
Boston Chinatown Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club
Upper Body Techniques of Yakusoku 2
Onegai-shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Shihan and Fellow Deshi,
In Yakusoku
2, the upper body techniques of the defender's final move
begin with a palm-heel (shotei) block to the side followed
seamlessly by a quick but (in real application) bone-crushing
grab and pull and then a double-punch. Common errors include
(1) hitting with a part of the hand other than the palm
heel, such as the thumb or fingers (when those other parts
would likely be ineffective in application in breaking a
real attacker's arm, compared to the palm heel),
(2) striking the block under the attacker's arm driving
it up, dangerously, towards the defender's face, rather
than away from the defender,
(3) hitting the partner's wrist or elbow (while these are
the likely targets in real application, they should be avoided
on the deck as they risk injury - we prepare for real application
by choosing and striking a precise, dime-sized target, which
we can focus on the forearm on the deck and the elbow in
real application),
(4) grabbing without blocking first (or similarly, blocking
with the hand in a grab position - that is, with the thumb
separated from the fist).
Let us define each technique precisely as we keep training . . .
arigato gozaimasu to all,
Emiliano Mazlen
Shihan, Boston Chinatown Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate Club