Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (July 16th, 2006)

Sensei Joe Knight
Ueshiro EMW Karate Club,
Centreville, Virginia


Train Big

When you train on the deck, always execute techniques with maximum extension.

We should always strive to eliminate weak/retracted moves in the kata. This includes all arm, foot, and head techniques. We must constantly overcome our natural tendencies over time: “pulling” a technique closer to the body, or shorting up a low stance, or not turning the head fully towards the target.

In making a technique ”bigger” we must not over exaggerate, but keeping within the framework of the technique being
Hanshi says that real fight situations will most likely dictate fast responses that will result in blocks & strikes that are more abbreviated/compact (as compared to your kata). If you train weak/small on the deck, then your “fight for life” technique will be even weaker.

Sensei Joe Knight
Ueshiro EMW Karate Club,
Centreville, Virginia
