Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (July 11th, 2005)

From Salvatore Scaglione
Ueshiro East Meets West Karate, NoVA, USA

What we learn after we think we know it all matters

- John Wooden

We can apply this thought to our Karate by continually
seeking info about our Kata...practice each Kata from
F-1 thru your highest with beginner's mind exploring
all facets of
the moves and techniques. Knowing how many moves are
in each Kata is not enough...being able to execute the
moves is not enough. Practice Kata and research each
one thoroughly...do this as often as

Domo Arigato--
Salvatore Scaglione
Ueshiro East Meets West Karate, NoVA, USA
Keep Moving Forward...............
