Kyoshi's Technique of the Week

June 12th, 2016

This week's thought is from Tamir Sensei

Ueshiro Neve [Oasis] Karate Dojo
Neve Yamin, Israel

Onegai-shimasu Ueshiro SRKUSA Worldwide,

We have powerful tools to help us improve our kata, such as mirrors and video, as described by Hanshi in the Green Book under the 'Gan' warrior precept.

I suspect you have video capture capability on your cell phone or you know someone who does. Have a training partner, family member, and/or friend film you performing 1-3 of your kata. It should take 1-3 minutes. Then review/study yourself on video and improve accordingly. You may do this often, as part of your regular training and self polishing.

Moreover, I have had my remote Deshi send me their videos for review and feedback. I have hosted web-conferencing session (e.g., GoToMeeting, Skype, Webex) with these Deshi and played back and paused the video as needed and discussed potential improvements, while we both were on-line collaborating. This has helped me improve my own kata as well as theirs, when I am away from the dojo on travel. This can also help those who have moved away from their Sensei and continue training. Similarly, Kyoshi Seeger has done this with my dojo in Neve Yamin Israel, reviewing and improving our kata in real-time from Palisades NY, via FaceTime on my iPhone.

Obviously, this is not a replacement for training in a formal class and getting corrections from your Sempai, Sensei, Kyoshi, and/or Hanshi every chance you get.

Keep Training

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu

Tamir Sensei

Ueshiro Neve [Oasis] Karate Dojo
Neve Yamin, Israel

Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA
Under the Direction of Hanshi Scaglione
