June 8th, 2014
Daniel Gobillot, Shihan - Shichidan
Northampton Ueshiro Karate dojo
SHOTEI - ATE (Palm Heel Smash)
Shotei - ate is the palm heel smash, a unique strike performed
bending the wrist back (unlike most karate hand positions)
and opening
the hand to present the palm as the striking surface.
This technique can be used in a defensive or offensive situation.
think of it as a chameleon like technique in that it is
visually to track and comprehend as it is delivered. Also,
it can be
delivered to any point ( high, middle or low) on the body.
In our kata's, Shotei-ate first shows up in Rohai. Rohai
advantage of this move in several ways. The technique is
delivered as
a low singke hand strike or block three times and then again
with both
hands low to a
possible groin or abdominal target.
Next we see it used in Wanshu as a side strike. I love this
as it can be delivered while in a close struggle to the
ribs or kidney
of your attacker. It's range does not end there.
The palm strike can be used to the side of the head or knee,
on your situation.
For such a powerful hand strike, shotei-ate spares the smaller
and more
easily damaged bones in the hand. Over the years I've broken
my hand
three times, striking with the first two knuckles and a
tight fist.
In Passai, this technique shows a different color. The palm
delivered to the throat or head still thrusting but in a
different way. The main difference seems to be a wider use
of the palm
The fingers are straight as you incorporate a little more
of the knife
edge as well.
The common mistake with shotei-ate, with all of its variations
could be
the lack of extension of the arm. Do not hold back, extend
out past 90
degrees to and through the intended target.
The final kata and last/highest kata we study in our art,
Shorin Ryu
Karate USA is Kusanku. The technique is referred to as Tomoe
shotei-ate or circular palm hand strike. It is performed
with both
to the center of the target. The fingers are slightly bent
due to the delivery angle and bone structure of the arm
and hand. This
reminds me of Tomoe-zuki (double punch) that we learn in
our second
kate fukyugata ni. I was taught over 25 years ago that this
could put the heart into defibrillation. I've also found
there are
more ways to damage the heart. Be Careful and Keep training!
Respectfully submitted by
Daniel Gobillot, Shihan - Shichidan
Northampton Ueshiro Karate dojo