Shorin-Ryu Karate U.S.A. - Thought For The Week

"Training For A Lifetime"

By William Kolbert, Ni-Dan, Westport Karate Club

All of us have heard Master Nagamine's saying that Karate is a lifetime marathon. A marathon is broadly defined as any type of endurance contests. And endurance is defined as "the ability to last, withstand pain, etc..." As Sensei Mackey has stated in the past, in karate we do not withstand pain, we accept the pain associated with our training and move-on. Sensei Mackey's description of withstanding pain, when combined with Master Nagamine's phrase illustrates a way of moving forward in our karate and in our karate-do.

We need to embrace these concepts and propel both our system and ourselves forward. The marathon does not only occur on the deck. It encompasses making attending special events, visiting other clubs and dojos, attend promotions, recruiting new deshi into our system, and of course opening clubs and dojos.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Moriarty and Mr. Gobillot for taking the torch and running with it. I know that I, like all of you, look forward to heading up to Massachusetts and continuing my personal marathon.

