Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

May 3rd, 2015

From Tamir Sensei Denshi-Shihan
Ueshiro Neve [Oasis] Karate Dojo
Neve Yamin, Israel

Onegai-shimasu Ueshiro SRKUSA Worldwide,

This week’s TFTW is a correction I received from Hanshi recently, which applies to multiple kata[s] such as Pinan Shodan, Pinan Yondan, Passai and others.

In order to describe where this takes place in the kata[s] mentioned above, please refer to Master Nagamine’s book, The Essence of Okinawa Karate-Do, as follows:

Pinan Shodan
Page 119
Movements 11 to 12

Pinan Yondan
Page 141
Movements 32 to 33

Page 201
Movements 27 to 28

The correction has to do with the action of the hands as one changes direction from one opponent to another. I was under the mistaken impression that I should use my hands to push the defeated opponent, after the kick-strike combination in each of the situations listed above, and then turn to deal with the next opponent. Hanshi’s correction is that after the kick-strike combination, I need NOT push the already defeated opponent, but rather immediately chamber both hands (one by my cheek and the other by my outer thigh) as I step first, and then turn-n-strike the next opponent with the chudan-shuto-uke.

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu Hanshi for teaching us at every opportunity we show up to learn from you.

Tamir Sensei

Ueshiro Neve [Oasis] Karate Dojo
Neve Yamin, Israel

