Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Thought/Technique Archive

Technique of the Week (March 26th, 2007)

From Sensei Dale Adamson, Shihan

Ueshiro Mohawk Valley Karate Dojo

Little Falls, NY


Kerikata ( Kicking Techniques)

Onagaishimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi and deshi;
I want to review some points on kicking techniques. Details can be found in the "Red book" and in Master Nagamine’s book " the Essence of Okinawin Karate-do"
In summary kicking techniques are only powerful when used skillfully with proper balance, speed, stability and snapping the leg back to position. This needs to be practice regularly, since any disturbance such as a block or grabbing of the kicking limb could expose you to attack, certainly your balance would be affected.
Master Nagamine recommends that kicks be aimed at the lower part of the body, the sides of the trunk and the midline targets such as the solar plexus. Kicking to the face increases the risk of losing the balance and it is easy to miss the target as it is comparatively smaller than the rest of the body.
Master Nagamine recommends that in order to avoid being tripped, the kicking techniques should be used only when the opponent is close enough- one must develop his ma-ai- or when caught by the arm or hand .
We have been trained to use the following kicks, though in Master Nagamine’s book the names differ.

1. Mae-geri or front kick with toes, to kick the abdomen, used in kata Fukyugata II, Pinan 1 and 4, Ananku.
2. Mawashi-geri or round house kick, this incorporates the instep of the foot, striking the groin, sides of truck such as the area of the kidneys.
3. Yoko- geri or side kick, this utilizes the foot-edge, striking the lateral or outside of the lower legs just below the knees, abdomen or ribs.
4. The last kick is found in one the black belt katas’. It is called Nidan- geri, flying kick, seen in Kata Chinto. Per Master Nagamine, this should be used " to get out of a desperate situation". I would defer further discussion of this powerful kicking technique to your sensei.

Regardless, regular practice is the only way these techniques can be effective.

Dale Adamson, Sandan
