Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

February 5th 2012

Sensei Lorenzo Aguon, Shihan, Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo
Honolulu, Hawaii

"REI" (bow)

We enter our dojos with a sign of respect by bowing before we step on the deck.
We bow to our Sensei.
We bow to each other before we begin partner training.
We bow at the beginning of a kata.
We bow at the ending of a kata.
We bow when we exit the deck and go home.

Below is referenced from the Technical Spec Sheet #1, Addressing the
Chokuritsu-fudo-dachi stance, the Kio-tsuke Stance and Rei.

The heels are together with the toes pointing
out at a 60-degree angle.”

In kio-tsuke (attention) the fingers are lightly
touching the gi and are positioned slightly to the
front. They touch each other and the thumb
without tension.

From the kio-tsuke position the body bends
forward at the waist with the eyes, neck and
shoulders moving together as one. The
fingertips lightly graze the gi as the body
moves. The bow should not be made too low.

Do not look down at the floor or up at your
imaginary opponent as the head and back are
lowered. Rather, the gaze remains fixed as if
painted onto the face, making maximum use of
peripheral vision.

"REI" (bow)
This is our way of showing Hanshi, Kyoshi(s), our Sensei(s) and fellow deshi respect on the deck.

Don't forget some of our commands we use on the deck:
"Otagai ni rei"------Bow to each other
"Shinden ni rei"------Bow to our founders/ancestors
"Sensei ni rei"------Bow to the teacher

If you have not already seen the Television Interview of Hanshi, Click on the link below:


Notice in the recent television interview and karate demonstration by Hanshi at the end of the kata and demonstration, Hanshi performed REI both in the kata...then turned and performed REI to the audience, as a courtesy and show of respect.

A proper "Rei" = Proper respect

Sensei Lorenzo Aguon
Ueshiro Hawaii Karate Dojo
Honolulu, Hawaii
