Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Thought/Technique Archive

Technique of the Week (January 21st, 2008)

From Sensei Tom duJardin
Cocoa Beach Ueshiro Shorin Ryu Karate Doj
o of Cocoa Beach, FL

Three important perspectives on the concept of foundation:

"Teach them to step first."
Grand Master Ansei Ueshiro.

"Either our own body movement or the movements of the body of our opponent is controlled from our foundation. To effectively accomplish this we must be firmly rooted down in an orthodox stance and posture."
Hanshi Robert Scaglione: Building Warrior Spirit.

Karate -do is a martial art and ultimately can be used in a "kill or be killed" situation. Therefore, the following points must be borne in mind in any stance:
1. Long endurance
2. Stability and balance
3. Flexibility and mobility
Shoshin Nagamine: The Essence of Okinawan Karate Do.

Domo arigato gozaimasu,
Sensei Tom duJardin
Cocoa Beach Ueshiro Shorin Ryu Karate Doj
o of Cocoa Beach, FL

