Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Technique of the Week (January 17th, 2008)

Sensei Des Chaskelson, Shihan Ueshiro Cocoa Beach Karate

www.CocoaBeachKarate.com 321.693.7831
“The dojo is the place where courage is fostered and superior human nature is bred through the ecstasy of sweating in hard work. It is the sacred place where the human spirit is polished.” (Master Shoshin Nagamine).

And there is no better way to sweat than by performing kata. When doing so, these key reminders, posted by Hanshi Scaglione recently, say it all:

* Keep your eyes up-do not look at the floor.
* Step first then punch.
* Hit hard, with speed & power, in EVERY move.
* Do not rush the count, pause for each move.
* Be proud of your accomplishments in Karate!

Keep training….


Sensei Des Chaskelson, Shihan

Ueshiro Cocoa Beach Karate

