Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate / Technique of the Week

Thought/Technique Archive

Technique of the Week (January 16th, 2006)

Sensei Sal Scaglione, Go-Dan
Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu USA Karate Club Northern Virginia



Our Karate training can and should be "portable" and
used to enhance our lives beyond the training hall.
Aspire to take the lessons learned on the deck to your
life outside of the Dojo. The balance, focus, speed,
power, finesse, foundation, and discipline learned
from Karate training can be used to enhance family,
home, work, school, and play. Allow your Karate
training to have lasting effects throughout each day.
Do remember however, to leave the "outside" world
along with your shoes at the door as you enter the
Dojo--your Karate will benefit.

Moving Foward
Domo Arigato,
Sensei Sal, Go-Dan
Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu USA Karate Club Northern Virginia
