Thought for the Week (January 8th 2001)
Teresa Knight Ni-Dan/Director
East Meets West Karate Club , Centerville Viginia
Make Time For Your Karate
We all value our karate. The reasons we care about it are numerous and flavored with our unique perceptions and values. We are all experiencing a
personal lifetime marathon in our karate training where there is no finish line and no competition other than the obstacles we set up ourselves.
"The hardest part of karate is showing up on the deck" was emphasized to Joe and I by Kyoshi as whitebelts.
This is always true. If a lapse in training has
occurred due to injury, illness, pregnancy, or difficulties in prioritizing one's life, than courage and warrior spirit are emphasized even more as you
slowly work yourself back to your previous training level and continue to develop by routine, rigorous training.
Sometimes you develop a healthy
competition with regular training partners but you should never allow this competition to prevent you from showing up to train when you are not feeling
at your physical peak. The most important thing is to try to prevent lapses in your training where possible.
Embrace what you value in your karate and
prioritize it in your life. Another quote from Kyoshi is "sometimes your karate comes first". Find ways to get to the dojo and when you can't find
ways to train on your own or with a training partner outside the dojo.
Sensei Tamir sent an excellent thought out a few weeks ago talking about kata he is able to perform in the limited space of a hotel room when he is on the
road. I've heard of some deshi in our organization incorporating jigotai-dachi stances whenever they do the dishes. Kyoshi has also mentioned
in the past that even finding an empty conference room to do half speed kata while in a business suit during a lull in a long stretch at work is
Just do it.
Arigato - Teresa Knight
East Meets West Karate Club of Northern Virginia