Kyoshi's Weekly Technique Bulletin 12/14/98


Kyoshi's Technique of the Week
October 30th, 2000 

Height Difference

Express greater height differences in the postures.
Make the high stances taller.
Make the low stances lower.
Expand the line( height difference) between the high and low postures.
Small height differences equates to small (weak) power/strength.

In the low stances exaggerate the distant between the feet.
In zenkutsu dachi position the knee directly over the foot, do NOT
overextend the knee past the foot. 
In kiba dachi or jigotai dachi when exaggerating the distant between the feet use the inner thigh muscles to force the knees out towards the point directly over the feet (which may not be accomplished), try to do it anyway, challenge the stance.
Do not overextend the knees past the feet (forward or side).
Lower the height, create power.

Kyoshi Robert Scaglione. 
