Completing each technique in the kata. In light of the ro-kyu and
go-kyu testing this month I would like to emphasize the importance of complete moves in
the kata, especially the double-move techniques of F-2 and F-3. In F-2 described in
Okinawan Karate-Do text p.111 fig.14, it is important to finish the low block correctly
(as described in the photo), before punching. Also described on p.112 fig.20. The blocking
arm locks out directly over the knee. Common error is a bent arm and not complete
i.e.punch is thrown before the block is finished or blocking arm passes over, incorrectly
beyond the knee. The same happens in the double chest block of page.113 fig.24. The
blocks must be executed correctly and without pause. Common error is the blocks are not
executed. In F-3 the same principal of complete moves is described throughout the kata in
the multiple techniques (the double and triples moves). Complete moves carries over in all
the kata of our system, Shorin-Ryu Karate USA under the direction of Hanshi Ansei Ueshiro.
Arigato, Kyoshi Robert Scaglione.