Kyoshi's Weekly Technique Bulletin 02/16/98

FEBRUARY 16, 1998

Yakusoku Kumite

Yakusoku Kumite- developing reflexes and application of the techniques, offensive and defensive, through kumite interaction is best exemplified through Yakusoku Kumite practice. Also, as we have trained consistently over the years (not in every class however) is the one or two step kumite. One side attacks, the other side blocks and/or shifts and counter attacks simultaneously or very quickly. The attack may be designated or not, depending on the skill of the participants. Careful supervision, instruction, warm-up, mai understanding and preparation is imperative.

The instructor must be well versed in the precepts of such kumite. All techniques must be from the basics/ the kata, which have been carefully honed by the practioner and proven by the composers(of the kata) of such techniques. There are recognized and accepted variations to this type of kumite and each Shihan is responsible for the instruction in the dojo concerned. Arigato, Kyoshi Robert Scaglione.
