Kyoshi's Technique of the Week
January 22nd, 2001 


Explore the various stances and weight distribution concerned in each posture.
Every technique begins with a proper stance. 
The stances are explicitly described throughout all the texts. Research this well and strive to perfect the foundation/balance.

The feet are the root of the tree which is our bodies. A strong 
tree has even stronger roots. Hence forth the feet grip the
deck with the same intention as the striking knuckles against 
an imaginary opponent or an actual armed aggressive criminal.

It is emphasized that the feet stand the same distance as a natural
walk with the back foot forty degrees and the front foot straight.
Every technique is dependent on footwork, therefore the stance is
as important as the attack or block. 

Kyoshi Robert Scaglione

With insight from 
Mr. Shane Scaglione
NI dan 
