November 3rd, 2014
Sensei Kevin L. Reymond
Denshi - Shihan
Ueshiro Downtown Shorin Ryu Karate Dojo
Onegai-shimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, and Fellow Deshi
Hanshi referred to Shoshin Nagmine's , The Essence of Okinawan
Karate - Do a number of times over the course of the Annual
Black Belt work out held last week. He specifically, referenced
Chapter VI, "On Kumite" as one of the most important
and one that he reads often. This past week I made it a
point to sit quietly and read Chapter VI again.
As Hanshi would say, I found the contents filled with "gold".
I encourage everyone to not only read the chapter again
this week but also make it a point to bring it's concepts
to your next class. The following section has been excerpted
from the chapter as I found it of particular interest and
worthy of highlight in this TOTW.
" Motobuu, my sensei, used to preach against "dead
kumite". Therefore, I deliberately developed kumite,
seriously considering the following seven essentials:
1. To develop techniques to enable us to defend and attack
2. To develop techniques to enable us to defend and attack
simultaneously using both hands.
3. To develop techniques to enable us to defend and attack
simultaneously with both hands and feet.
4. To develop techniques to enable us to shift the body
to the attacking position reflexively and naturally in order
to always keep besides the opponent and avoid facing him.
5. To develop techniques to enable us to defend and attack
by means of shifting the body and approaching the opponent
from the side or the front, with definite determination
to find some way of beating the opponent, in critical situations.
6. To develop swift, reflexive nerves or senses which enable
us to kick the opponent when he catches us or when we catch
7. To develop techniques to enable us to attack the opponent
by kick or blow, reflexively, after we have suppressed his
movement without losing our grasp on him."
Regardless of whether we are practicing kata, pre arranged
kumite, warm ups or daily tasks,we should do so with proper
mental attitude so as to avoid "dead kumite".
Sensei Kevin L. Reymond
Denshi - Shihan
Ueshiro Downtown Shorin Ryu Karate Dojo
Under the direction of Hanshi Robert Scaglione