March 3rd 2013
Lyle Kleusch
San-Dan, Shihan
Ueshiro Mesabi Karate Dojo
Meditation for problem solving
Onegaishimasu Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Senpai and Deshi.
I have recently taken a position at a newly-built iron nugget demonstration plant. It is for all intents and purposes a research and development facility. Our jobs call for a lot of creative and critical thinking to find solutions to novel situations. Upon starting work there I soon began using our Shorin Ryu meditation techniques when looking for solutions. It works extremely well! By emptying my mind first I clear it of unwanted/un-necessary thoughts, making way for incredible creative and critical thinking skills. I am finding solutions at a prodigious rate. Please refer to pages 13-14 in Building Warrior Spirit (green book) for specifics on entering the meditative state I am speaking of. Towards the end of the passage, Hanshi writes of proceeding to perfect kata. At work, this is where my mind opens up to solutions I may not have found otherwise. And this is why we meditate before kata as well. It opens us up to perfect kata.
Domo Arigato Hanshi, Kyoshi, Sensei, Senpai and Deshi.
Lyle Kleusch
San-Dan, Shihan
Ueshiro Mesabi Karate Dojo